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Private Coaching for the
New Executive

Your new role comes with a steep learning curve in terms of not only skills but also your sense of confidence and resilience. Our work together will zero in on maximizing your leadership effectiveness and cementing internal shifts that will enable you to achieve remarkable results in your first year on the job. 


Challenges that women often face as they step into executive leadership: 

  • Learning to navigate the exponentially higher demand on their time and mental bandwidth

  • Leveling up their strategic thinking (broader scope, systemic lens, future-ready)

  • Finding their genuine, assertive voice as an executive through their communication and presence (especially when most of their executive peers are men)

  • Learning to let go of some of the detailed work they used to enjoy and take pride in 

  • Strengthening their emotional intelligence in leadership (within self and in relation to others)

Benefits you will gain: 

  • Get back to having more control of your work time to focus on what's truly essential 

  • Systems thinking skills that you can use to achieve remarkable results for the rest of your career

  • Develop your executive presence that feels genuine, commands respect and fosters the type of work culture you want to build

  • Increased emotional self-awareness and ability to use emotional data in how you lead

  • Greater confidence in your decisions and capabilities


How it works:

Below is a rough sketch of how clients move through the Emerging Executive program. But keep in mind, coaching is dynamic and your context is unique. Our work together may look somewhat differently but it will always be zeroed in on getting your results on your goals. 

Phase 1: Take Stock

1-2 sessions + Assessment

Reconnect with the vision you had for this role at the start and whether you're still on that path. Take stock of what is going well and what challenges you want to address.


Perhaps you need to change how you work; you're used to rolling up your sleeves and getting closely involved in an issue, which no longer works for your new scope. Or maybe you need to recalibrate how you show up as a leader and amplify your genuine voice. 


Gather feedback from those around you that further informs you of your strengths and gaps at this time. This helps you get super clear about what is essential for you to operate more effectively.


The result: You have an evidence-based plan for tackling your biggest challenges and a renewed drive to pursue your personal vision. 

Phase 2: Dive Deep

2-3 sessions

Take a deep dive into what is holding you back from your goals. What behaviours do you need to stop, start or change? Examine underlying assumptions, core beliefs or habits might be getting in your way. 


Maybe you're holding onto culture or gender-based norms that conflict with your desire to show up as a powerful, confident woman executive leader.


Or perhaps you are torn between two conflicting goals/needs but haven't realized it until now. Like, wanting to delegate more but also wanting to stay in control. 


Your self-awareness and emotional intelligence grow as you work though revising your inner dialogue. You uncover specific changes that you can make from the inside out. 


The result: You become much more resilient to the ups and downs that come with your new job. And, you start to see better results in how you operate. 

Phase 3: Work the Plan

6-7 sessions

Get into action on working through the development plan created in Phase 1, with insights gained from your Deep Dive.


For example, you might focus on adopting new ways of communicating as an executive. You might also practice setting new boundaries on your time that free you up for your best contribution. Or, you might work on adopting a systems lens more consistently, thereby enhancing your strategic thinking skills.


You quickly see results as you enhance your leadership skills in action.


The result: You have learned to operate more effectively, you have a better trained strategic lens on things and when you speak, others pay attention. You feel seen and respected by staff, peers and your boss. 

Phase 4: Reinforce Key Learning

1 session

Close the program by reinforcing all of your learning thus far. We take time to celebrate the ways in which your leadership has transformed. We also check in on the vision you painted at the start of the coaching program and help you stay the course. 


The result: You feel supported long after you complete the coaching program.


Each coaching program is closely tailored to the unique goals and circumstances of each client. Exact pricing is based on the custom-designed plan.


Book a free consult call to explore whether this program is a good fit for you. 

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